Monday, October 28, 2013

Baby Water Therapy

Drink it, Splash it, Love it!
The Healing Power of Water Therapy or How Water Can Boost Your Child’s Immune System the Natural Way
Did you know that water can “absorb” our emotions? –
There have been lots of studies proving that water structure changes according to peoples’ thoughts, either positive or negative. In a way our emotions are being absorbed by the water, and might be kept there for ages. Our feelings and thoughts affect the health of our bodies. If you drink a cup of water where positive thoughts have been “locked”, you will be able to get some extra energy, great mood and to benefit from its powerful healing effects. But if some negative thoughts have been there instead, your mood could be affected in a negative way, too.
Our bodies are made of 70 per cent water. So think about it – if you try and be positive throughout the day, if you smile more and say nice words to the people around you, the water from your body cells will “hear” these thoughts and will thank you for that by making you feel happier. And when you are positive, calm and smiley around your baby and child, your little sunshine will be able to “catch” your spirit and feel great, much calmer and happier. Don’t quite believe it? – Why don’t you give it a try for yourself? And if you can’t’ see the effects straight away, at least there is nothing to loose; you can only win a happy and smiley baby.
One way to benefit from the healing power of water to improve your baby and toddler’s health is to find a suitable form of water therapy.
Drinking water
According to alternative medicine, one form of water therapy is the consuming of a gutful of water upon waking in order to "cleanse the bowel". This amount is different for each age, and it is not recommended to give your baby under 6 months to drink water, when exclusive breastfeeding is best for your child. Also warm water is preferred because of its ability to increase the cleansing process. In older babies and children the weaning is the start point for taking some toxins and chemicals, especially if food is not organic and if not homemade. Drinking water throughout the day will help your child detoxify in a natural way and to release the poisons from his immature body. This water therapy, also known as Indian or Chinese Water Therapy, is claimed to have a wide range of health benefits and no adverse effects.
…or Bath Salt Water Therapy (from the Greek word thalassa, meaning "sea") is the medical use of seawater. The properties of seawater are believed to have beneficial effects upon the pores of the skin. Trace elements of magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and iodide found in seawater are believed to be absorbed through the skin. The application of seawater (which is very similar to the body’s own internal fluids) allows magnesium and potassium to be drawn into the blood stream while toxins are actively eliminated. There are numerous types of Water Therapy administered at spas, Auyrvedic & holistic centers, and health clinics around the world. Most suitable for your baby and toddler would be adding a cup of dead see salts to his bath before sleep. Among the benefits are relaxation, prevention of asthma, respiratory illnesses, colds and flu, it clean pores and to detoxify the body, treats eczema and other skin conditions, and promotes better sleep.
How to make a sea salt bath for your child? - Draw a warm bath (37’C) and add a cup of Dead Sea Salt. A few drops of lavender essential oil will make the bath even more relaxing and beneficial. (Learn about Aromatherapy for babies and toddlers here). Dim the lights and soak for 20-30 minutes. Gentle music will also add to the experience and will sooth your child. Babies naturally prefer classic music which is believed to relieve stress and stimulate his brain function. Pat dry when finished and wrap in a warm bath robe. Your little one will feel relaxed and ready for a nice and deep sleep.

Or Sun Water Baths uses the sun’s creative properties. Sun could be dangerous if skin is directly exposed, but at the same time sun remains an excellent source of energy, boosts immunity and stabilises mood when used appropriately. Sun water treatment is bathing your child with water being warmed by sun, and being full of its energising and healing properties. These baths are better taken in the morning or afternoon, when some energy booster is needed.
Don’t forget about the benefits of swimming for your baby and toddler. When immersed in water, your child is able to perform exercises that may not be possible on dry land. Water reduces the pressure on his bones and joints, enabling him to move about more freely. You can engage your child in exercises that are gentle to his body while producing a multitude of health and strength benefits, including: increased muscle tone, improved coordination, increased endurance, and stress relief. Depending on your child’s age and ability, he may also be able to do some aerobic exercises such as walking, kicking, jumping, or actual swimming. These moves help keep your baby healthy by giving him a safe and fun way to exercise. Exercising in water and swimming is beneficial not just for babies and toddlers, but also for older children, and has proven effects even on children suffering from cerebral palsy.
In the sea water temperature in summer is between 22’C-26’C, so it has a cooling effect on the body. This stimulates the circulation and the immune system, but don’t let your children spend more than 5-7 min in the water, several times a day. But be careful! Babies’ immune system is immature and cool water could lower their body temperature dangerously. Cool baths are not recommended for babies under 6months old, and should be much shorter for babies between 6 and 12 months old.


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